Tag Archives: #valleyrock

May is almost in the books….

May, what a month.  May is the last month of Spring.  And the rain did bring the flowers; natures fireworks in motion, as they say.  And most of all Memorial Day (originally decoration day); honoring all the Veterans we lost.  Many of us celebrate with a three day weekend, honoring Veterans in their own way.  If your way is to create a relaxing environment in your home, try adding in a Natural Flagstone element.
Flagstone is an amazing product used to create a pathway, patio, fire pit area or a courtyard.  You can lay it on a bed of rock, creating a stepping stone path. You can plant between each stone with herbs, thus creating a fragrance as you walk on . You can make a more firm surface by applying a polymeric product (Gator Dust), between the joints of the surface. Your creation can be made in a weekend!
*   Quartzite Flagstone….this is lovely.  Autumn Gold (think yellow brick road), Storm Mountain (silver with gold) and Windridge (silver, brown, green) Quartzites, all have a little mica sparkle.  This product rates higher on the carbon test for hardness. It compliments modern and rustic designs.
* Arizona Flagstone reflects warm colors, blush, oak and rosa tones.    If you like the warm tones of the Southwest, this sandstone product is for you.  It can accent your home and punch it up a bit!
On Memorial Day take a moment to fly your flag for Veterans we lost; and the ones we love.  And as always, Happy Digging!

When is it Dog’s Day?

Now there is Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, May day, wedding day and graduation day~ when will it be my day?  I think everyday should be dog day.  With digging to be done, and all the laying around I do……hmmmm.  But you humans get things ready for every event.
* The Party is happening soon….In that case, just drive on over and pick up a yard or two of bark.  It is easy to install, and makes a huge difference in your hard.
* My yard is not that big…..Is the square footage of your back yard equal to the size of your family room and kitchen?  If so, you can still turn it into a backyard living area.  Remove that grass, and add some hardscape (pavers, flagstone, rock).  Keep some live/green areas- it could be in the form of potted plants or some planting areas.  It is always nice by a window: you can see it and smell it easier!
*  But I really want…It all!  It’s oasis time – Start now for your Fall/Autumn events.   Decide on your design plan and material selection. Decide what you can do yourself and what you need help with.  Make a plan. We carry many of the materials you want to make it happen….just contact us.
And above all, don’t forget about your furry friend….me…Happy Digging!

And the April showers ~it never changes…

April Showers, I can mark my paw with that event.  Every year they come and every year we are surprised.  But what the rain does for us is amazing! So what to do in April?
* Planning ~ April Showers or not, you will have to calculate the amount of you soil require.  Just do that length times width, that will give you the square footage.  Determine how deep you want the soil to be (the depth garden box / planting area).  These numbers will give you the cubic yardage required.
Now here is your math lesson of the day from you friendly neighborhood dog ~ a garden box 4’x8′ (32sqft) , at 12″ deep will require one cubic yard of material.  That wasn’t too painful, was it?
* Planting ~ oh how our plants and veggies love the good fresh soils.  If you can get some soil down before the rain, the plants will dance.  Enhanced your soil with our Growers Blend (recommended for gardens), Planters Mix (recommended for landscaping) or Organic compost (always a recommended addition), thus providing your yard with what it needs.
* Protecting ~ Your veggies are in, your shrubs are planted, how about protecting the roots and soil?  Top your garden with one of our barks.  Walk On bark or Shredded Cedar are two of my favorites.  But my master has others to choose from.  Create a walking area around your boxes with Decomposed Granite, 1/2 crushed rock, or another rock of your choosing.  A nice neat garden makes for a happy gardener (and dog).
*Purchasing ~ Call us!, send us a message through valleyrock.com, or good ole’ fashion way, stop it!
Happy Digging.

Much to Bark About

As we roll through March, and march into April, our Spring is upon us. Baseball, blossoms and bark.  But my friend bark (mulch) is high on my list of things to do.
* Color Dyed Barks ~Now this is not your Momma’s dyed bark.  Our Black and Brown barks have a UV protected colorant that last longer then the recycled barks.  What this means to you, is you will not have to replace it next year!  Not to mention the color looks amazing.
* Nugget Barks ~ now we call it deco bark.  The uniform shape really makes it a more polished look.  Many homeowner associations call out for our Small Deco in their specs. Large Deco Bark is also available, if you prefer a more chunky look.
*Fibrous Barks = a slopes friend.  If you have an area that experienced erosion this winter, then Redwood Ground Cover (aka Gorilla Hair) is a solution for you.  It is the best bark product to mat down on the ground.  If Redwood Ground Cover does not fit your liking, look at our Shredded Cedar.  It is also a shred product, but not nearly as fibrous as the Redwood.
* I’m not dyed, nor fibrous or a nugget! Then I must be Walk-On Bark.  The Walk-On is more of a true chip product, lighter in color than the all of the above barks and not as formal a nugget product.  It is also falls in the medium price range.
Just the word “bark” brings a ring to my ears.  And more than anything I love to roll in the bark.  Happy Digging!

March Miracle

They call our rains the March Miracle, but to us dogs, it’s just good old mud.  The water our earth is absorbing now, will surely make for unbelievable gardens later.  So what to do now?
* A little planning never hurt anyone or any dog.  Now I plan where to bury my bone.  Just as you should plan where to place your garden.  A nice sunny side is key.  Them Tomatoes do love the heat.
* Measure, measure and measure again.  From designing the size of your garden boxes or length of your garden rows, math is key.  Make sure that the garden boxes are not so wide that you can not reach the middle to pick and weed.    Even us dogs know how deep to dig a hole for a bone.
* Soil, now this is my favorite part.  OMRI is important when eating the harvest…..even I know that.  Growers Blend is tops for the tomatoes, fully of good stuff (75% dairy manure, 20% humus, and 5% calcium, magnesium, and potassium) and it smells great too.
* Water, never forget the water.  Make sure that you account for the location of your water source when selecting your garden area.  A timer is key, because we all get busy…and the plants can not water themselves.  Even us dogs can drink from a bowl!

So our rain today, is key for tommorrow.  Until then, Plan, Measure, Soil, Water and as always, Happy Digging!

I Love Curiosity

I have a curious friend named Isaiah.  He is always asking me questions, and as a dog, I wag my tail often to let him know I am engaging with him.  He came to visit me the other day and we talked about trucks and dirt.  And why did we have so many choices for soil?
Now for soils, my master has taken great care in choosing the right products.  Great products, with great ingredients.  None of us are perfect (even in the dog kingdom); but my masters sure do try!
When looking for soils here are some elements you want in “great dirt”:
Calcium ~ Helping provide structural support to cell walls and serve are a secondary messenger when plants are stressed, kind of like people’s injuries (aka my friend Kai’s master).  It assists with the physical and biochemical weaknesses the soil may contain.

Magnesium ~ Now this big word is central for other big words ~ chlorophyll and photosynthesis.  All these big words (remember I am just a dog) together serve as activators in plant growth.  And that is good!

Potassium ~ Many, many functions for this one.  But the main one I’m concerned with is aiding with drought resistance!   By activating enzymes this will assist with the root intake…..that’s a lot…and I do like damp soil.

But if you are a dog like me, you can just tell by the smell and color of good soil.  I’ll leave the OMRI and other certifications to my masters.  And to my friend Isaiah, keep asking questions.  Happy Digging!


I know I should be planning….

January is here, all my masters Christmas presents have been unwrapped.  And my master has been frantically cleaning.  But why?  They said January is a planning month.  So why not start time-lining your 2018 projects?  For us dogs it’s all about treats.  But for you humans it’s about your humble abode…
What to do in January:
* Gather Ideas -Use Pintrest, your neighbor, home shows, etc.  Make sure your ideas are products that are available.  For example, don’t pin a rock found in New Zealand that you want to put in Northern California – think freight costs.
* Gather Numbers – Measure, measure, measure.  Know the square footage you are working with.  Draw your project up with measurements. Allow for lighting, plants, hardscapes, plants, accent rocks, walkways, pathways & entertaining areas.
* Gather Samples – visit your local supply (online or in person) store  (Valley Rock) and take some samples and or pictures. Grab a brochure or two, determine your color scheme, decide on your style (beach, craftsman, fixer-upper), make a budget.
* Make Decisions – Once you have an idea what you want, decide on what you will do; and what you want a professional to handle.  Schedule appointments with Landscape Contractors once you know what you want.  Don’t go in blind, you will waste your time and theirs.
I always plan where I am burying my bone before I dig that hole.  And I know you humans do the same!  Happy Digging!

Where did November go?

Now who doesn’t love November….Our cool nights have begun (aka me by the fire), the leaves are falling (aka me rolling in leaves) and my master is inside making treats that may fall to the ground (aka me licking floor).  So from my perspective….not a bad gig.  But as always, my master is working, working, working.  While I am sleeping, sleeping sleeping.  And what are they doing?
*  Maintain if no Rain – So the rain does not always fall on the plain.  If we have a dry spell, turn the water on for a bit to keep your plants happy.  And don’t forget about those potted plants under cover.
*  Protect- don’t neglect – Everything likes to be warm.  This includes the soil.  A nice layer of bark would make those roots happy.  My master has many varieties to choose from!  If mud is a problem, maybe a crushed rock is the solution.  This will keep the mud down and much easier to drive or walk on.
*  Cold can be controlled – So you are getting a bit of a chill in the evenings?  Well good thing my master has firewood and kindling in stock!  Now a 1/4 cord can fit into the back of a pickup, lickety-split it can be home for you. Or if you need a larger portion…..call and set up a delivery.  Oh yeah, don’t forget to grab a bundle of kindling too.
So whatever this season brings for us all, just remember a warm fire, a cute dog (aka me), with family and friends makes all things better.  Happy Digging!