Since 1992

I know I should be planning….

Posted: January 11, 2018  |  Categories:  Clever Ideas |

January is here, all my masters Christmas presents have been unwrapped.  And my master has been frantically cleaning.  But why?  They said January is a planning month.  So why not start time-lining your 2018 projects?  For us dogs it’s all about treats.  But for you humans it’s about your humble abode…
What to do in January:
* Gather Ideas -Use Pintrest, your neighbor, home shows, etc.  Make sure your ideas are products that are available.  For example, don’t pin a rock found in New Zealand that you want to put in Northern California – think freight costs.
* Gather Numbers – Measure, measure, measure.  Know the square footage you are working with.  Draw your project up with measurements. Allow for lighting, plants, hardscapes, plants, accent rocks, walkways, pathways & entertaining areas.
* Gather Samples – visit your local supply (online or in person) store  (Valley Rock) and take some samples and or pictures. Grab a brochure or two, determine your color scheme, decide on your style (beach, craftsman, fixer-upper), make a budget.
* Make Decisions – Once you have an idea what you want, decide on what you will do; and what you want a professional to handle.  Schedule appointments with Landscape Contractors once you know what you want.  Don’t go in blind, you will waste your time and theirs.
I always plan where I am burying my bone before I dig that hole.  And I know you humans do the same!  Happy Digging!

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