Since 1992

March Miracle

Posted: March 16, 2018  |  Categories:  Uncategorized |

They call our rains the March Miracle, but to us dogs, it’s just good old mud.  The water our earth is absorbing now, will surely make for unbelievable gardens later.  So what to do now?
* A little planning never hurt anyone or any dog.  Now I plan where to bury my bone.  Just as you should plan where to place your garden.  A nice sunny side is key.  Them Tomatoes do love the heat.
* Measure, measure and measure again.  From designing the size of your garden boxes or length of your garden rows, math is key.  Make sure that the garden boxes are not so wide that you can not reach the middle to pick and weed.    Even us dogs know how deep to dig a hole for a bone.
* Soil, now this is my favorite part.  OMRI is important when eating the harvest…..even I know that.  Growers Blend is tops for the tomatoes, fully of good stuff (75% dairy manure, 20% humus, and 5% calcium, magnesium, and potassium) and it smells great too.
* Water, never forget the water.  Make sure that you account for the location of your water source when selecting your garden area.  A timer is key, because we all get busy…and the plants can not water themselves.  Even us dogs can drink from a bowl!

So our rain today, is key for tommorrow.  Until then, Plan, Measure, Soil, Water and as always, Happy Digging!

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