Tag Archives: #flagstone

Cheers to the New Year!

Who can believe we are already onto a new year?! I can’t wait to get my paws on some new projects in the yard. Digging up old plants, burying bones, and having a barking good time sound like great New Years plans to me! Whether we are just improving on what’s there, or starting a whole new project, there’s a huge selection to choose from! Is our BARK looking a little ruff for wear? Are the plants ready for some new nutrients? What about a nice flagstone pad with a firepit for these paw chilling nights? The options are endless!

Quartzite Silver and Gold adds a great sparkle to the yard while remaining subtle enough for any level of landscaping! Sizes range so much, you are bound to find pieces that will make any size area look pawrific! Wanting to get your paws on something a little more muted? Arizona Buckskin and Rosa are great for that desert or creamy look! With the Arizona’s being sandstone they have a unique richness you can match to any style of yard, plus it’s super easy on my paws just like the Quartzites!

Want to give your neighbors something to really BARK about? Oregon Eagle Patio and boulder pieces make a great pond or waterfall stone! Build them and stack them in all sorts of shapes or designs for a natural look that will make you feel like you’ve found it in the forest. Adding a mix of our Cobble Stone or Drain Rock at the ponds bottom to keep the natural look going for a realistic riverbed. Loose round rock at the bottom means I am less likely to bring any muddy paws back through the house after I inspect your work. Adding in some standard Moss Rock could give you great accent points in your tail waggin’ design too!

All muddy paws aside, we should definitely take the time to enjoy our yards no matter how put together they are or not! Just getting outside to hang out with our paws up or even to run around for some tail wagging and barktacular fun is a great way to spend any time of day! The New Year means new adventures, but don’t forget! We have all year to get our paws dirty!


Well we live in California, and yes is it dry, warm and sometimes hazy.  I usually get comfortable by lying low in the soil or lounging in the A/C.  My masters are concerned with water use with their landscaping (and all dogs need water), so a few suggestions for your outdoor living area.
*  Create areas using more hardscape ~ increase the size of your patio area~ add a #calstsone paver walkway; #decomposedgranite #firepit lounge area. Mix #flagstone with #crushed rock creating that zen feel garden. Or add a #drycreekbed made of cobble and #mexicanpebble.
* Refer to the Low-Water Garden guide produced by the state of California (tax dollars at work).  The plants listed will thrive in our environments and you will love all of them!
* Top your plants with great soil like #plantersmix or #compost.  The soil will allow the plant to retain and absorb water more efficiently.  Then topdress plants with fresh  #Bark (mulch), adding another layer of moisture – and it looks great too!  My master has many sizes, colors and types of bark (my favorite word).
* Check, check and recheck the efficiency of your irrigation system.  Check the length of time the water runs and the time of day the water is running.  Every plant has water requirements; high, medium or low.
And most of all Happy Digging!

May is almost in the books….

May, what a month.  May is the last month of Spring.  And the rain did bring the flowers; natures fireworks in motion, as they say.  And most of all Memorial Day (originally decoration day); honoring all the Veterans we lost.  Many of us celebrate with a three day weekend, honoring Veterans in their own way.  If your way is to create a relaxing environment in your home, try adding in a Natural Flagstone element.
Flagstone is an amazing product used to create a pathway, patio, fire pit area or a courtyard.  You can lay it on a bed of rock, creating a stepping stone path. You can plant between each stone with herbs, thus creating a fragrance as you walk on . You can make a more firm surface by applying a polymeric product (Gator Dust), between the joints of the surface. Your creation can be made in a weekend!
*   Quartzite Flagstone….this is lovely.  Autumn Gold (think yellow brick road), Storm Mountain (silver with gold) and Windridge (silver, brown, green) Quartzites, all have a little mica sparkle.  This product rates higher on the carbon test for hardness. It compliments modern and rustic designs.
* Arizona Flagstone reflects warm colors, blush, oak and rosa tones.    If you like the warm tones of the Southwest, this sandstone product is for you.  It can accent your home and punch it up a bit!
On Memorial Day take a moment to fly your flag for Veterans we lost; and the ones we love.  And as always, Happy Digging!