Tag Archives: #waterwise

Creating Defensible Zones

As the main defender of my home, I know how important it is to keep my masters safe, but there’s one thing I can’t protect against…wildfires.

California now requires 100 feet of defensible space around the 8 million homes and business like mine that are in high risk burn areas. The most important defense zone is within 10 feet of the structure, walk with me and I’ll share my tips for a fire protected landscape. That’s where I hang out, and I love my tail!

Known as the ember resistant zone, it should be designed to keep embers from igniting fuel that can spread the fire to your home. Adding pavers to your walkways (I love Calstone products) and patio spaces are excellent hardscape options.

Lean, Green & Clean- Keeping your plants and trees trimmed, distanced, and healthy is vital in preventing a fire or embers from reaching your structures. Now is the perfect time of year to add an extra layer of soil to your planted areas to keep them green, (and me digging).

Imagine your side yard pathway flourishing with vegetable planted water wise stock tanks surrounded by a stylish and functional pebble. Please visit the official Cal Fire website (fire.ca.gov) to learn more about creating a defensible space.

-Happy Digging!


Well we live in California, and yes is it dry, warm and sometimes hazy.  I usually get comfortable by lying low in the soil or lounging in the A/C.  My masters are concerned with water use with their landscaping (and all dogs need water), so a few suggestions for your outdoor living area.
*  Create areas using more hardscape ~ increase the size of your patio area~ add a #calstsone paver walkway; #decomposedgranite #firepit lounge area. Mix #flagstone with #crushed rock creating that zen feel garden. Or add a #drycreekbed made of cobble and #mexicanpebble.
* Refer to the Low-Water Garden guide produced by the state of California (tax dollars at work).  The plants listed will thrive in our environments and you will love all of them!
* Top your plants with great soil like #plantersmix or #compost.  The soil will allow the plant to retain and absorb water more efficiently.  Then topdress plants with fresh  #Bark (mulch), adding another layer of moisture – and it looks great too!  My master has many sizes, colors and types of bark (my favorite word).
* Check, check and recheck the efficiency of your irrigation system.  Check the length of time the water runs and the time of day the water is running.  Every plant has water requirements; high, medium or low.
And most of all Happy Digging!