Tag Archives: #garden

Change is in the air!

While it’s hard to imagine now with the heat being what it is, Fall is in fact in the air! It also means that the holidays are fast approaching as well! Holidays usually mean family and friends in town to celebrate and visit, which makes for a good excuse (if you’re looking for one) to upgrade/revamp your yard areas. There is plenty to add or upgrade in your yard areas that will fare well come true winter and cold weather too.

A great way to liven up your yard areas is by planting flowers that can handle the chilly temps we have coming up, but will still fare well with the heat we currently still have. The key to any good start with your vegetation will be good soil! Our Planter’s Mix will do any job you ask of it, whether that’s flowers and house plants or all the way to trees, lawns, shrubs and much more! Want to add even more nutrients for producing plants or even to already present soil on hand? Our Grower’s Blend is jam packed with extra nutrients producing plants thrive on, but also makes for a good additive to already present soils! Maybe you have flower boxes/beds that haven’t been doing well the last season or longer… Organic Compost is 100% green waste material that has been decomposing, which makes it the perfect additive to mix into older soil areas that you don’t really want to dig out and be forced to replace it all. With it being natural green waste matter, it’s completely loaded with nutrients to act as a fertilizer for your beds/boxes!

Finding the right plants and flowers for this season change can be a daunting task when you walk into those nurseries and see them all laid out and not all of them having any information posted near by to try and understand. Here are some of my personal favorites I like to keep in my yard!

  • California Poppies
  • Sweet Alyssums
  • Shasta Daisys
  • Asters
  • Chrysanthemums (Mums)
  • Bush California Fuchsia
  • Helenium-Also known as “sneezeweed”
  • Snapdragons

Maybe your foliage is already covered but you want to add a little EXTRA pop to your area? Mexican Pebble is a great accenting rock that we carry both in 50 lb bags as well as 3,000 lb totes(1.3 yards~). Colors range in tones from black, red, and tan(buff) to fit any area in your yard to give a good POP. We also stock Mexican Pebble in La Paz(slightly larger than pea gravel) and Criva (1/4″~) that are predominantly black but will have an assortment of all our other colors as a mix. Not only do these rocks add a great accent to any pot or walkway area, they also absolutely stand out in a fountain setting as well! As for my personal usage, the Criva works wonders, as well as looks amazing, in my fish tanks! After careful rinsing of the rocks I have added Criva to almost all of my personal fish tanks, the size matching most of the standard tank gravel would be while staying with a natural, refined look versus a typical tank gravel.

Alright, alright, I know some of us are over moving rock and soil around… what about refreshing or adding bark to our landscaping after all the heat and sun we got this summer? It would amaze you at the difference a little accent of bark, or refreshing of old bark will do for your yard. If you are refreshing previous bark, you might only need to add an inch of topdressing to the original areas, unless you decide to gut and completely redo it! Black Bark does a great job at accenting any green/plant dense areas to really make your plants or flowers stand out, almost makes them look more lively! Got a hillside that you want to put a ground cover on or help stay solid and secure through the rainy season heading our way? Redwood Ground Cover (Gorilla Hair) will mat together and almost “lock” itself in place… with itself! The red color also does a great job in uniting a yard, whether flat or hilly, with a subtle splash of color.

Suffice to say, there are plenty of ways to spruce up your yard before hitting the family season that’s drawing ever closer by the day! We just need to hold out a little longer until this heat finally leaves us alone for a few months! Match that with perfect excuses to convince yourself to make your yard apart of your home instead of a separate unit!

Summer Should Get A Speeding Ticket

As we near the end of August, it becomes more and more apparent that summer has gone by WAY too fast! While hopeful thoughts of cooler weather is a blessing to look forward to, the long days and the sunshine will be missed. With that said, there is plenty of ways to keep the yard looking prosperous and full of life through the season changes! With kids back at school working on their studies, it leaves plenty of room to freely work on the yard and get new projects rolled out.

Whether it is something you want to tackle while the kids are at school, or a fun project for them to do with you, setting up planter beds/boxes is a great way to enhance your yard experience. Not only will you be able to see the fruits of your labor, but a hands on cultivating experience for kids is always useful! From buying prebuilt planter boxes to DIY’ing a build yourself, there is nothing quite as rewarding as getting a box established and flourishing. When it comes to thinking about Fall, there are plenty of vegetables and herbs that thrive in the cooler temps, along with flowers too. Mix them in a box or dedicate a type to each one, and watch as they develop with attention and care. Some of the best Fall veggies to plant are Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Scallions; while some of the best herbs to plant will be Parsley, Cilantro and Thyme. All of these are great stand-alone plants, but make for great garden boxes for display purposes as well. It can be a great learning experience for kids too, to watch how plants grow from either small sprouts or even seeds to becoming a full grown and even a producing plant! Make sure to use Grower’s Blend for your boxes with veggies and herbs to see the best results out of your planters! The Grower’s Blend is jam packed with nutrients and essentials for happy strong plants to set their roots into to provide the best bang for your buck.

Maybe you already have your hands full with planters and pots? Why not look into designing and developing the perfect outdoor lounge area for you and the family to hang out together while being able to relax outside? Putting together a paver patio or a sitting area with a firepit/table combo would be a great addition to your yard and for family hangouts too! With Fall approaching and Winter following at it’s heels, having a space for the family to relax outside and spend quality time together is a great bonus to have. Just like pavers, there are tons of options for outdoor furniture to make the space as comfortable as you want it to be while still being functional! Basalite products range in size, color, texture and the patterns available leave nothing to be desired when putting together a patio. Whether you want to do a patio/sitting area in one single size, or put together an intricate pattern, the options are available at your fingertips. We all know that as a society we are extremely wrapped up in tech, phones, and social media. So, having a comfortable and relaxing outdoor space is not only great for the body but also the mind! Accenting these areas with water features, like our Basalt fountains, or even decorative flower pots with an assortment of foliage will tie everything together seamlessly. Using the Planter’s Mix for your flowers is the complete package. With the Planter’s being a sandy loam packed full of nutrients, your plants roots will be able to breathe as well as get an abundance of water flow to their growing root systems. The added bonus to putting in an outdoor fireplace/firepit sitting area is even once the cold weather hits, it will be the perfect place to kick off your shoes and make some s’mores with the family.

Whether you decide to upgrade your current design or you shoot for something brand new, prepping your yard areas for the coming seasons is bound to bring smiles to everyone’s faces! Whether you need soils for your pots and beds, gravel for your sitting areas or walk ways, bark to accent your open ground space or even accent pieces as stepping stones, you can find all of that here with us!

Oh, The Summer Heat!

I think we are all struggling to ruff it out with the heat that this sunshine brought, but that doesn’t mean we need to stay inside all day! Whether it’s getting up early to beat the baking sun, or heading outside at dusk, there are plenty of ways to get your bones buried this time of year. Add in that the kiddos are now out of school and I get my friends to play with all day long, I know its hard to get a bite into any yard improvements that may have been planned.

There are plenty of plants that actually enjoy this heat too, woof who would do that? Some of my favorites are Hibiscus and Marigolds! They make great accents to the yard and bring a nice POP of color too. Like Marigolds, Hibiscus actually come in a range of colors as well. The most common that you will see is the bright pink, but there is gold, white and even blue if you are lucky enough to find it! That said, like my bones buried in the yard, blue Hibiscus are actually a different family of plant but is so similar it joined the group. Marigolds, while still all fall into the orange/yellow family can throw a nice twist on you with different levels of reds and oranges mixed into their peddles. Coneflowers also really enjoy the summer heat, being apart of the daisy family they tend to look like giant ones! If these aren’t enjoy for you to bark at, how about something like a citrus tree! Lemons and Oranges do well with the heat if they get partial shade during the day, usually better for the later half of the afternoon rather than the morning if my paws don’t get in your way of the planning!

Don’t want a flowering plant or a fruit tree? Japanese Maple trees enjoy our climates if they can get some shade as well! So if you’ve got a part of your yard that gets shaded in the afternoon by other trees or your house, this would be a WOOFING spot for a Japanese Maple! This will also help ADD shade to your yard as well once it gets put in, which not only would be great for my paws, but also gives more room for plants that need partial shade as well! It would be a win-win for me and the yard!

All of these plants, and if we aren’t kidding ourselves me too, will thrive using Planter’s Mix! It is a great sand loam blend that helps keep the plants happy and hydrated without getting too compact that I wouldn’t be able to dig a new hole in, I mean.. it helps keep the roots aerated! Happy roots make for happy plants!

If all of that doesn’t wag your tail, you can never go wrong with a beach or pool day! Even a little kiddie pool adds to the joy of a yard for a pooch like myself! If you want to put down a bigger above ground pool, using a base like the Mason sand would be great! It would help prevent the ground under the pool becoming a total mud pit from me jumping in and out, not to mention my tail shaking with excitement!

Explain the Madness

Yes, it is true, every year at this time we go into shenanigans mode. Whether it is sports, gardening, cleaning and clearing or just a general change. A change in season brings a change of actions! With the ground soil warming up and the plants reaching toward the sun everything is in full swing now! The warm weather brings out all the flowers and the excitement of the sunny days ahead. We got a LOT of rain this winter season which means not only are the wild plants in full swing, but it is a perfect time to get your garden back to full color again.

It’s also a great time to get those veggie gardens ready and going! Our Growers Blend is high in nitrogen to help out with growth and production of the plants. Whether you buy already sprouted plants or you grab some seed to start yourself, the Growers Blend is the best go-to for your veggie gardens!

As far as your plants and trees are concerned, pick up some Planters Mix to refresh your soil or even start new plants! Our Planters Mix is an awesome all around planting soil that you can plant all your hearts desires into! With the Planters being a sandy loam, it will stay light and airy for those finicky plants BUT you can also work on packing it down if you need it to be more sturdy for those hardy saplings!

Planting an assortment of flowers, veggies and trees will not only liven up your life and yard, but it will also be beneficial to nature around you! Watch the bees find your yard and propagate your plants and help spread the pollen for you, and even watch the hummingbirds discover the assortment of buffet options you have provided them with. Did you know that hummingbirds need to feed all day? Often visiting 1,000-2,000 flowers/plants a day to feed, and get an early start of just before sunrise. Like any of us, it’s nice to have a selection of food to pick from, don’t you think? So, while you might be lounging by the pool enjoying the sun, the nature around you is in full swing to keep your yard looking bright and beautiful!

Adding a fountain can also help liven up the space too! You can even set up a fountain to be pond-less which takes away any concern for mosquitos setting up shop directly in your yard. This provides not only a beautiful accent to your own space but water for the animals and nature helping you silently. For a pond-less fountain the Mexican Pebbles make a great accent to the base of the fountain and work wonders on hiding any plumbing you install to keep the water flowing.

Spring is Around The Corner!

With all the storms and rain we have had hit this winter its hard to not be hopeful for spring to show up! I know in California we can all appreciate that we had a pretty mild “Fire season” and that we always need the rain, but its okay to want sunshine too! Our paws getting muddy just walking out the front door is only fun for so long, right?

Get yourself ready for some spring planting, replanting, and total yard makeovers! There are designers ready to help you out to plan your revamp too if you hit a loss of what would work or even simply just look pawtastic. Cindy at Blooming Gardens or Margaret, with A Wylder Design is mighty handy with turning a boring backyard into a picturesque space to make all your neighbors envious! Whether you want a balance between hardscape and keeping it natural, they will bring your imagination to life! Nothing makes new landscape happy than good soil, like the Planter’s Mix. This soil is your all around and go to planting mix. Whether you are putting down seed for your lawn, a full replace of sod, fresh plants/trees/flowers, this soil won’t disappoint! It is a sandy loam, which will be perfect to get my paws in and help you dig out any old plants or soil you want to remove.

Remember to make a big woofing note about your soils too! Plants will utilize the nutrients within whatever soil you plant them in, which in turn means they can take a nice rich soil into something that has a hard time letting plants thrive in. Adding Organic Compost to your existing soil will act as an amendment to what I have already buried bones in, to a thriving soil once again! Nothing will bark “healthy plants!” like good, fresh, nutritional soil.

Are you wanting to build a pathway around your new thriving garden or yard? Take your paws no further than Decomposed Granite (DG)! Not only does the tan/gold color mix well with greenery or even hardscapes, but it will compact and almost harden under all of our paws with a little water and time! Don’t bark up the wrong tree and think its like cement or concrete though! It will chip and crumble like any compacted ground would if you dig into it. All that woofing about it though is not for nothing! A level walking path or even open space for a little sitting area in your yard would be the perfect accent with DG. Easy to maintain, and I won’t be able to get my teeth into it like I might try with a bark path. You can even take this bone one step further and place flagstone on top to make a stone pathway or even just stepping stone style.

Boulders might just be the new chew toy to talk about! They make great accents around your garden or even your pathway. Want to be even more of a bone-a-fied trend setter? Try and find one that has a flat enough surface to place a pot on top! I’ve gotten my paws on some pots that have a center drain hole on the bottom as well as smaller ones around that, and that center hole can be utilized with a bolt and a washer to secure that pot to a post/boulder or stand too! No worrying about those wild winds like we have had so far this February.

Get a Jump on FUN!

We all can appreciate a little rain here in California, but we definitely love having our sunshine to put our paws up in too! This type of weather is the pawfict time to dig up all my bones in the backyard to do a handful of projects! From getting the old soil refreshed with some more nutrients, getting ready for some fresh bark, laying down a paver or concrete pad/patio, or even adding an outdoor living kit.

There are so many ways to get our backyard to become the prime hangout spot for all of our friends, both human and dog! The most common backyard designs listed for this year are outdoor living and “gothic”. This really means, people and pets want to have an enjoyable backyard that is both great to dig in and look at but also comfortable! Too many family members with dogs for your small house? Set up the backyard as an extension, if not a standalone, to your dining/living rooms! Basalite offers many different options to build kits to set up your area to be the perfect host! Whether you want a standalone fireplace to add to your yard, or if you want a whole kitchen set up, they have options for every kind of backyard. One of their pieces will definitely give your friends and family something to bark about!

The gothic style of landscaping really means a lot of dark plants, flowers, and accents! Think of those old Victorian movies who have blood red flowers out front and dark leaved plants accented with thick shrubbery. This kind of landscaping gives me plenty of bone hiding places as well as gives a ethereal look to your property! There are plenty of tall flowering bushes too that can be used as privacy walls if you’ve got those no good nosey neighbors keeping tabs on all my dig spots too! Adding an archway wrapped in vines is a great statement piece, or even some casual lighting to help me keep my paws on the right tack at night! You definitely want to let me help you dig some holes in our existing soil and for sure let me get my paws on mixing in some new soil to make the job go by faster! Nothing says “good dog!” like putting in some hours digging up soil!

Whatever you chose to do with your backyard, make sure you check plants out for being pet safe so I don’t have to pick a bone with you later! Adding statement pieces, whether that’s with planets or fixtures, will always help to make the yard a much more pleasant place to spend your time and disconnect a bit. All of us dogs know how hard it is for you humans to unplug sometimes, but take 5 minutes enjoying the sunlight and plants to recoup from all the screen time. I know I will definitely be enjoying my time more if I got to bark around with you in the yard more often!

Cheers to the New Year!

Who can believe we are already onto a new year?! I can’t wait to get my paws on some new projects in the yard. Digging up old plants, burying bones, and having a barking good time sound like great New Years plans to me! Whether we are just improving on what’s there, or starting a whole new project, there’s a huge selection to choose from! Is our BARK looking a little ruff for wear? Are the plants ready for some new nutrients? What about a nice flagstone pad with a firepit for these paw chilling nights? The options are endless!

Quartzite Silver and Gold adds a great sparkle to the yard while remaining subtle enough for any level of landscaping! Sizes range so much, you are bound to find pieces that will make any size area look pawrific! Wanting to get your paws on something a little more muted? Arizona Buckskin and Rosa are great for that desert or creamy look! With the Arizona’s being sandstone they have a unique richness you can match to any style of yard, plus it’s super easy on my paws just like the Quartzites!

Want to give your neighbors something to really BARK about? Oregon Eagle Patio and boulder pieces make a great pond or waterfall stone! Build them and stack them in all sorts of shapes or designs for a natural look that will make you feel like you’ve found it in the forest. Adding a mix of our Cobble Stone or Drain Rock at the ponds bottom to keep the natural look going for a realistic riverbed. Loose round rock at the bottom means I am less likely to bring any muddy paws back through the house after I inspect your work. Adding in some standard Moss Rock could give you great accent points in your tail waggin’ design too!

All muddy paws aside, we should definitely take the time to enjoy our yards no matter how put together they are or not! Just getting outside to hang out with our paws up or even to run around for some tail wagging and barktacular fun is a great way to spend any time of day! The New Year means new adventures, but don’t forget! We have all year to get our paws dirty!

Summer Fun

Summer has always been my favorite.  My kid friends are out of school and my days consist of swimming, eating and sleeping.  Now as far as the garden goes, there is always work to be done.

Plan & Plant – We are always planning.  but now is the time to plan your spring bulbs.  And at the same time plant your summer color (marigolds and zinnias are some of my favs).  Our Planters Mix is the best choice for your summer color.  To add art to your yard, with a stock tank container (I love the round one).  It is easy to move and place in your design.

Maintain – Mulch/Bark your area around your garden ( I prefer walk-on bark for my paws).  This will keep moisture in, roots cool and dust down.  Plus it will look amazing.  We have many varieties and colors to choose from.
Be sure to check your watering schedule as our temperature creeps up. And don’t forget your hand watering containers.
Pinch off your herbs so they will keep producing.  Check your feeding schedule for your strawberries.  We all love shortcake!

Harvest – It is about that time.  Morning is the best time to pick that yummy food.  Keep your eye out for rodents and the pesky snakes, they may like the morning too.  Clean up any fallen fruit to avoid the rodent and squirrel issue.  Make up a feast with your tomatoes, peppers and basil – my mouth is drooling already.
And as always – Happy Digging!