Tag Archives: #calstone

Summer Fun

Summer has always been my favorite.  My kid friends are out of school and my days consist of swimming, eating and sleeping.  Now as far as the garden goes, there is always work to be done.

Plan & Plant – We are always planning.  but now is the time to plan your spring bulbs.  And at the same time plant your summer color (marigolds and zinnias are some of my favs).  Our Planters Mix is the best choice for your summer color.  To add art to your yard, with a stock tank container (I love the round one).  It is easy to move and place in your design.

Maintain – Mulch/Bark your area around your garden ( I prefer walk-on bark for my paws).  This will keep moisture in, roots cool and dust down.  Plus it will look amazing.  We have many varieties and colors to choose from.
Be sure to check your watering schedule as our temperature creeps up. And don’t forget your hand watering containers.
Pinch off your herbs so they will keep producing.  Check your feeding schedule for your strawberries.  We all love shortcake!

Harvest – It is about that time.  Morning is the best time to pick that yummy food.  Keep your eye out for rodents and the pesky snakes, they may like the morning too.  Clean up any fallen fruit to avoid the rodent and squirrel issue.  Make up a feast with your tomatoes, peppers and basil – my mouth is drooling already.
And as always – Happy Digging!

Our word for 2020 is Sanctuary

Sanctuary – such a calming word. To me it means a cozy spot and a nice treat.  To my owners it means their home.  2020 is the year we all make our homes, our sanctuaries.  But where to start?  Maybe just begin with one piece, one section, one area.

  •  The Front Entry ~ this is the gateway into your home.  What vibe to you want to feel as you enter your home? A new different walkway, an addition of a courtyard, fresh bark, new plants…..all great ideas.
    •   Today I will give you a few Courtyard Suggestions:
      •   One simple and easy to installation solution is a Deco Rock area. Create the shape with bend-a-board edging.  The edging will also contain the rock.  Lay down weed barrier fabric under the rock, and place the rock about 2″ to 3″ deep.
      •  Decomposed Granite (think California Winery style) with Stone Stabilizer added to harden the surface. This requires a little more effort in applying the stabilizer. Create the shape of the area, and dig down about 2″ to 3″.  Install the Decomposed Granite and tamp it as you go.  Apply the Stabilizer with a sprayer to harden the surface.
      •  #Calstone pavers will really elevate the area.  With the colors choices, style (paver finishes) and sizes, certainly one will fit your home.   This is your chance to change the movement of the walkway and entrance. You will need to remove 6″ of material.  Replace the area with 2″ of Road Base and 2″ of Plaster Sand, then install your pavers. Once installed you can add Super Sand to lock in the pavers.  And for a final touch spray on a sealer – you know to seal the deal!     Happy Digging!

Fire Safe = Neighbor Friendly

Fire Safety is a year round event for us Californians.  Fire Safety is not only smart, but will also increase the value of your property.  And that my fellow neighbors is good news for all.  As far as us dogs are concerned, what ever makes my owners happy, makes me even happier.
*  Prune, clean and clear your property year round.  Not only is it fire smart, but it will reduce the rodent and insect population.
* Create firebreaks with hardscaping.  Add a path made of flagstone, a patio or courtyard  installed with Calstone pavers or even design in a moss rock wall to add dimension.
* Install a water feature.  A pondless feature with a rock stream, a fountain accented by Mexican Pebble, or a full pond with fish.  It will cover more area up in your yard, provide a pleasant sound, and more importantly a drinking spot for me!
* Decrease soil erosion with installation of rock, stone or any other hardscape on all open ground areas.  This will also decrease water run off in the winter. And fire safety in our dry months.
* If you reside on a large piece of property, 30 feet of clearance is suggested.  Eliminate fire ladders by trimming the bottom of trees, mow frequently, group plants together and cover up the ground.  Fire fuel is not our friend.

But most of all be a good neighbor (I know I am).  What one home does (or does not do)  can effect all the others.  Happy Digging!