Tag Archives: #valleyrock

Has Spring Already Sprung?

It is only the beginning of February and I am already wanting to wade in water.  But what does this do to my friend Mother Earth and her plants?  According to my elder friend Farmer Almanac, he says that California will be mild and dry this winter.  So that’s what we are going with – mild and dry.

For the next 45 days my masters are focusing on two main items ~ which always begin with a PLAN!

Spend some time on your irrigation~ with water being such a precious product, we all want to make sure it is used to the utmost efficiency.  Broken lines, rerouting lines and testing your system should be key.  Draw your garden area out to include irrigation plans.  Set your timers and valves correctly. It will save you time (and $) in the long run.

Devising ways to hold back your soil ~ You know, a way to contain your moist fresh soil! You don’t want that good Growers Blend spilling out of it’s area.  Whether it is a full grown planter bed make with block or an edging made with moss rock, a method of retention is needed.  When you measure, allow for areas to walk, note where the sunny spots will be, and don’t forget about our friend irrigation.  And again it all plays back into your Plan. Most of all by defining planting areas, I will know where the good soil is to lay in!
Option B for planting ~ just purchase one of our Tarter Stock Tanks.  We have oval and round, with multiple sizes to choose from.  I know that it is not easy for me to dig in, but easier for my masters to manage.

Happy Digging!


I’ll see you in September….

Ahhhhh September, cool nights and warm days- it’s the best.  My Owners love that pumpkin spice stuff, to me it’s just OK. Did you know that September is the 2nd most patriotic month of the year?
With Patriot Day (9/11), Constitution Day (9/17). International Peace Day (9/21) all happening this month, that’s a lot of honor in one month!  Not to mention that FALL begins.

So on to Fall projects-

Create defensible space ~  Any type of hardscape; rock, flagstone, pavers and walls.  This project is the most important of all. You can create a barrier and beautify your home.  Always start with measurements.  We can assist you with your ideas and dreams!

Clean up ~ All I can say is buy dirt.  Deadhead and trim.  Then top dress with fresh planters mix or growers blend.  Your plants will thank you with fresh foliage.  You can pick up a small amount or we can deliver a larger amount.

Invite Friends Over ~ Enjoy the space you have created!  Us dogs love company and affection.  Happy Digging!

Creating Defensible Zones

As the main defender of my home, I know how important it is to keep my masters safe, but there’s one thing I can’t protect against…wildfires.

California now requires 100 feet of defensible space around the 8 million homes and business like mine that are in high risk burn areas. The most important defense zone is within 10 feet of the structure, walk with me and I’ll share my tips for a fire protected landscape. That’s where I hang out, and I love my tail!

Known as the ember resistant zone, it should be designed to keep embers from igniting fuel that can spread the fire to your home. Adding pavers to your walkways (I love Calstone products) and patio spaces are excellent hardscape options.

Lean, Green & Clean- Keeping your plants and trees trimmed, distanced, and healthy is vital in preventing a fire or embers from reaching your structures. Now is the perfect time of year to add an extra layer of soil to your planted areas to keep them green, (and me digging).

Imagine your side yard pathway flourishing with vegetable planted water wise stock tanks surrounded by a stylish and functional pebble. Please visit the official Cal Fire website (fire.ca.gov) to learn more about creating a defensible space.

-Happy Digging!

I am a Master

I suppose you have heard the phase “jack of all trades; master of none”.  Well me, as a canine, I do object, because my owners name is Master?  But I have another friend who is a master gardener.  And Margaret (that’s my friend), always said to plant your garden by Mothers Day.  This has always been due to late hail that can damage young plantings.  But, surprise, it has been a dry April.

So if you have not planted yet, there is still time.  New this year, My Master  brought in Stock Tanks for raised garden beds.  With lumber pricing being so crazy (result of 2020 shut down); this is a great solution.  They are sturdy, functional and bring another element to your design.
And we do carry a variety ~ 3′, 4′ and 6′ in oval shape; 3′ and 4′ in round shape.  Along with the fully contained tanks, my Master also offers 6′ oval with an open base and 3′ round with an open base.  The 3′ open base is also a fire ring ` ingenious! All tanks are galvanized.
We all know our Growers Blend is tried and true for veggies . But to improve even more, we now carry Heritage Bag products.  Empire Builder Blend, Perfect Potting Soil, Organic Compost and Worm Castings (my fav). The worm castings will only improve your crop!  So stop by and see us, my Master can help you.  Happy Digging!

Defense is key

Defense, as in Football?  No, defense, as in defensible space around your home. This is always a requirement in our dry climate. When my masters talk about defensible space, they are referring to creating a fuel break in the event of a wildfire – yikes!

Defensible Landscape – What is that?  It is landscape designed with fire safety in mind.  Still using the elements, functionality, style that you desire with your safety always a priority.  Visualize your yard in two zones.

Zone 1 is within 15′ to 30′ of your residence.  So what does that look like?  It can be a paver patio in the backyard up against your home. And a hardscape courtyard in the front as you enter your home.  Function with style.
Zone 2 is within 30′ to 100′ of your residence.  Now, this gets to be quite a large area. This area can include flagstone pathways between your plants; rock or decomposed granite walkways through your garden; or even a dry cobble creek bed within your design.
By adding these elements, you can create a beautiful area and a fuel break in the event of a wild fire.    Stay safe, and Happy Digging!


Finally Fall…..

What season is it? What day is it?  For some reason, I hear that a lot these days. To answer the question- today it is the Fall! My time to roll in the leaves, enjoy the cooler nights and the smell of the harvest….All the things us doggies love, besides digging.  After all our hot and smokey summer days, digging would actually do me and your garden good. Some garden TLC is in order.

By TLC, we mean adding nutrients back in that have been depleted.

First and foremost, Dig, dig in deep, and dig some more.   To really be efficient till your soil down 8 to 12 inches (wow that’s great).  But even 4 to 6 inches can be an improvement for the soil. Then you are ready to start the soil amending process.
Second, amending (that’s a big word) of the soil.  A great add in is Nufiber compost – coming straight from the central valley.  If you soil does not need this rich of a blend- try our Growers Blend or Planters Mix.  After the amending (adding in) is complete, leave the soil alone for a day or two so.  The organic materials (soil enhancements) will have time to decompose and provide nutrients into the soil. Yummy for your soil!
Your amended soil with bless you tremendously.  You have now created an opportunity for moisture retention. Your garden will yield a large, healthy and nutritious crop; your flowers will shine and your trees will thrive.
Last, but not least, check your watering.  Repair any damaged lines, or reroute as needed.  Look at your watering times.  Our daylight is changing.
Take time to smell the flowers and as always – Happy Digging!

May – the force was with us- or was it?

Strange times?  That’s what my masters say.  But to me, life is good.  Company and food is all I need!  But my masters, they have been working hard, kinda of like a dog……  In fact, they have brought in many NEW products for 2020.

Slate Chip 3″ minus – This is actual slate chip in 3″ size or a little less.  Mainly black, with gray and tan mix.  A nice modern look to your home.

Rocky Mountain Granite – Granite Boulders in wired baskets.  About to 12″ to 24″ size.  This is excellent for walls and accent rocks.  Salt and Pepper in color….so nice.

Oregon Eagle – Back by popular demand!  This brown, tan with bits of gold coloring flagstone is back.  When used with the beige gator dust, it creates a solid patio.  Along with the Patio Flagstone, we have Oregon Eagle Accent Boulders.  These boulders are 12″ to 30″, a perfect size for inside your garden bed areas. We can’t wait to see what you create.

Happy Digging

The Time is Now

We have all heard this phrase “the time is now”, but really it is. The time is now to complete the things you want to complete.  If you have been putting off your home projects, because of time, maybe that priority has changed.  I know as a dog, my priority is always, sleep, eat and dig.  Maybe you could learn a little from “man’s best friend”.  These are my masters favorite projects in the Spring.

  • Starting the veggie garden – Soil, water, plants and sun.  Basic ingredients.  Now we can help you with the soil. Our Growers Blend is an organic product and the perfect choice for your vegetable garden.  With a combination of dairy manure, humus, and organic matter, it adds all the ingredients possible to make your garden amazing!  This is tried and true for my masters.  they always have plenty of veggies
  • Topping off under the plants – dressing up under the plants.  it not only looks good, but it will help with weed control and moisture retention.  The selection of bark is amazing, colored barks, nugget bark and shredded barks.  Take your pick.  Bark is light, so a yard to yard and a half will fit in a pick up truck.
  • Adding a little rock into the blend; under plants, next to the house, in a creek bed and for drainage.  My masters do have two new rocks this year.  First, is the 3″ Minus Slate – a flat slate rock with black, gray and tans.  This is a perfect choice for the modern look.  The second new product is 1″ minus Oroville Gold.  The Oroville Gold rock is a tan, gray and gold round rock.  This fits more into the Mediterranean home theme. These are only two of the dozen of rocks my masters have in stock.

So the time is now, for projects, gardens and up keep on your home – and we can help!  Happy digging…..