Tag Archives: #mexicanpebble

Change is in the air!

While it’s hard to imagine now with the heat being what it is, Fall is in fact in the air! It also means that the holidays are fast approaching as well! Holidays usually mean family and friends in town to celebrate and visit, which makes for a good excuse (if you’re looking for one) to upgrade/revamp your yard areas. There is plenty to add or upgrade in your yard areas that will fare well come true winter and cold weather too.

A great way to liven up your yard areas is by planting flowers that can handle the chilly temps we have coming up, but will still fare well with the heat we currently still have. The key to any good start with your vegetation will be good soil! Our Planter’s Mix will do any job you ask of it, whether that’s flowers and house plants or all the way to trees, lawns, shrubs and much more! Want to add even more nutrients for producing plants or even to already present soil on hand? Our Grower’s Blend is jam packed with extra nutrients producing plants thrive on, but also makes for a good additive to already present soils! Maybe you have flower boxes/beds that haven’t been doing well the last season or longer… Organic Compost is 100% green waste material that has been decomposing, which makes it the perfect additive to mix into older soil areas that you don’t really want to dig out and be forced to replace it all. With it being natural green waste matter, it’s completely loaded with nutrients to act as a fertilizer for your beds/boxes!

Finding the right plants and flowers for this season change can be a daunting task when you walk into those nurseries and see them all laid out and not all of them having any information posted near by to try and understand. Here are some of my personal favorites I like to keep in my yard!

  • California Poppies
  • Sweet Alyssums
  • Shasta Daisys
  • Asters
  • Chrysanthemums (Mums)
  • Bush California Fuchsia
  • Helenium-Also known as “sneezeweed”
  • Snapdragons

Maybe your foliage is already covered but you want to add a little EXTRA pop to your area? Mexican Pebble is a great accenting rock that we carry both in 50 lb bags as well as 3,000 lb totes(1.3 yards~). Colors range in tones from black, red, and tan(buff) to fit any area in your yard to give a good POP. We also stock Mexican Pebble in La Paz(slightly larger than pea gravel) and Criva (1/4″~) that are predominantly black but will have an assortment of all our other colors as a mix. Not only do these rocks add a great accent to any pot or walkway area, they also absolutely stand out in a fountain setting as well! As for my personal usage, the Criva works wonders, as well as looks amazing, in my fish tanks! After careful rinsing of the rocks I have added Criva to almost all of my personal fish tanks, the size matching most of the standard tank gravel would be while staying with a natural, refined look versus a typical tank gravel.

Alright, alright, I know some of us are over moving rock and soil around… what about refreshing or adding bark to our landscaping after all the heat and sun we got this summer? It would amaze you at the difference a little accent of bark, or refreshing of old bark will do for your yard. If you are refreshing previous bark, you might only need to add an inch of topdressing to the original areas, unless you decide to gut and completely redo it! Black Bark does a great job at accenting any green/plant dense areas to really make your plants or flowers stand out, almost makes them look more lively! Got a hillside that you want to put a ground cover on or help stay solid and secure through the rainy season heading our way? Redwood Ground Cover (Gorilla Hair) will mat together and almost “lock” itself in place… with itself! The red color also does a great job in uniting a yard, whether flat or hilly, with a subtle splash of color.

Suffice to say, there are plenty of ways to spruce up your yard before hitting the family season that’s drawing ever closer by the day! We just need to hold out a little longer until this heat finally leaves us alone for a few months! Match that with perfect excuses to convince yourself to make your yard apart of your home instead of a separate unit!

Explain the Madness

Yes, it is true, every year at this time we go into shenanigans mode. Whether it is sports, gardening, cleaning and clearing or just a general change. A change in season brings a change of actions! With the ground soil warming up and the plants reaching toward the sun everything is in full swing now! The warm weather brings out all the flowers and the excitement of the sunny days ahead. We got a LOT of rain this winter season which means not only are the wild plants in full swing, but it is a perfect time to get your garden back to full color again.

It’s also a great time to get those veggie gardens ready and going! Our Growers Blend is high in nitrogen to help out with growth and production of the plants. Whether you buy already sprouted plants or you grab some seed to start yourself, the Growers Blend is the best go-to for your veggie gardens!

As far as your plants and trees are concerned, pick up some Planters Mix to refresh your soil or even start new plants! Our Planters Mix is an awesome all around planting soil that you can plant all your hearts desires into! With the Planters being a sandy loam, it will stay light and airy for those finicky plants BUT you can also work on packing it down if you need it to be more sturdy for those hardy saplings!

Planting an assortment of flowers, veggies and trees will not only liven up your life and yard, but it will also be beneficial to nature around you! Watch the bees find your yard and propagate your plants and help spread the pollen for you, and even watch the hummingbirds discover the assortment of buffet options you have provided them with. Did you know that hummingbirds need to feed all day? Often visiting 1,000-2,000 flowers/plants a day to feed, and get an early start of just before sunrise. Like any of us, it’s nice to have a selection of food to pick from, don’t you think? So, while you might be lounging by the pool enjoying the sun, the nature around you is in full swing to keep your yard looking bright and beautiful!

Adding a fountain can also help liven up the space too! You can even set up a fountain to be pond-less which takes away any concern for mosquitos setting up shop directly in your yard. This provides not only a beautiful accent to your own space but water for the animals and nature helping you silently. For a pond-less fountain the Mexican Pebbles make a great accent to the base of the fountain and work wonders on hiding any plumbing you install to keep the water flowing.

And OH what a Spring it is!

I think this was the longest winter I have ever seen in my doggie life.  Don’t get me wrong, I love rolling in the mud, and sitting by the fire.  But what I really love is a beautiful spring day, and digging up rocks :).  My favorite rock is Mexican Pebble.

* Mexican Pebble is a very smooth round rock off the beaches of Mexico.  My owners supply this product in multiple colors and sizes.
* Color is a power which influences our souls. The most popular by far is Black Mexican Pebble;  to me it looks more gray/black.   The Red Mexican Pebble; has a purple reddish hue.  And the Buff Mexican Pebble is a golden beige with specks of black and red.  Every choice is unique.
* Size, it’s not the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog!  But our sizes for Mexican Pebble are 1/2″x 1″  1″x 2″  2″x 3″.  The 2″x 3″ is ideal for accenting river beds (and mix with cobble).  The 1″x2″ is most popular of all, plants, ground cover, water features.  The 1/2″x 1″ is a great solution between pavers or flagstone and ground cover.
* Do you want to go smaller?  We do have a Mexican  La Paz (3/8″x 5/8″)  and a Mexican Criva (1/8″ x 1/4″).  Both products are 90% black, with the remainder of red and buff mixed in.  Visualize the the pebbles smoothed and washed down naturally to become these smaller sizes. This would great as an elegant pathway for me to run on!
What ever product you choose, just remember, Happy Digging!

It sure feels like Summer!

Now when the weather turns warm, I think of tropical locations.  My master has turned my backyard into a oasis.  How so, you ask?  Why with Valley Rock products of course!

  •  Mexican Pebble ~ the perfect accent.  My master carries this magical pebble in  three sizes and three colors. So not matter your look, one of the Mexican Pebbles will compliment it!  Smooth and round~ Ole’.
  • Arizona Flagstone ~ Imagine the colors of the southwest…..conjuring up the look of Palm Springs.  That is the feel this natural stone will give you!  Whether you make a pathway, fire pit, courtyard or patio, this palette of color is very soothing!
  • Lava Rock ~ If you want to mimic the look a Hawaiian Island, the 3/4″ or 3/8″ black lava rock will do the trick.  Or if a resort in Mexico is more your forte, try the 3/8″ black lava.  You’ll be sipping on a Mai Tai or Margarita before you know it!

Just add you favorite colorful plants, the sound of running water and a cute dog…….presto = oasis.  Happy Digging!