Since 1992

Lazy summer days, yawnnnnn

Posted: July 21, 2015  |  Categories:  Clever Ideas | 2 Comments

As we get to the end of July, yawn, the heat does start to get to us dogs.  Cooling my warm paws and digging a hole to find a cool spot, that is my daily routine.   While I lounge around, here are some items to be working on in your backyard:
*  Pull the weeds before they flower again.  A little work now, will save you later.
*  For your established trees, add some fresh rich soil (planters mix) and mulch (bark) around the base.  Then give the trees a good soak early in the morning.  The tree stress out just like us dogs in the heat.
*  Deadhead, deadhead, deadhead.  Whether it is the old blooms, dead branches, or overgrown veggie plants.  Toss, trim and pinch those plants.  Besides looking better, it will help your plants stay healthy.  We ALL need a little love.
*  A light green/brown lawn can find happiness too!  Don’t cut your lawn too short.  The longer blade can take more heat (shade the soil),  help hold more moisture and block those pesky weeds.
*  Clean out the bird bath and eliminate stagnant water. The   mosquitoes won’t like you, but the humans will.  When BBQ-ing, throw some rosemary on the flame, the mosquitoes hate that!
*  Pick some of that fresh basil along with a lemon and make yourself a frosty beverage.  Now sit back and relax.
So for now, happy digging on a hot day, yawn…….




July 22, 2015 at 12:18pm



July 21, 2015 at 09:58am

Thanks Odie, great advice and motivation! Now I can enjoy my basil drinks without any pesky mosquitoes! ...after pulling the weeds of course :D