Since 1992

The Garden is in!

Posted: May 4, 2016  |  Categories:  Uncategorized |

Now we all have schedules to follow, whether it be for work, family or in my case sleeping.  We are all defined by our patterns.  And in planting, scheduling is important.

Now in January (or Plan-u-ary) as I call it; we discussed the importance of planning out your projects.
In February we began “awaking” the soil.  And with the month of March it was all about renewing the soil (or yourself).
With April came our April showers.  Now that May is upon us, the garden is in.
Now is the time to top the soil with some compost or worm castings to further enable a robust harvest!  Check your watering; water frequently until the roots are established.  Once establish watering can be cut back to two or three days.
Spruce up the area around the garden; add some decomposed granite or bark around the edge to walk on.  Accent the corners with flower pots, make the area a place you want to be!  Follow your patterns, and you will be amazed how your life will change. Happy digging!

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