Since 1992

All things May

Posted: May 10, 2016  |  Categories:  Uncategorized |

So many dates to celebrate in the month of May.  But none are as important as Memorial Day.  The day set aside for rememberance of American war dead.  And to that I give two paws up.  Us Americans love those who have served just as much as we love our food!
With May celebrating pickle day, apple pie day, brew week and the big day Memorial day; with BBQ’s all around.  I especially love the scraps my owner gives me off the BBQ.  Now before you can celebrate, it’s best to make sure your yard is in order.
Your garden should be started, if not, stop in and get some growers blend or our super duper “530” blend soil.  It is as rich as it smells!.

Not planting a garden?  Don’t forget to lay down some bark. Nothing spruces up an area like fresh bark.  Bark will also hold the moisture in your soil.  I prefer brown bark because it  matches my coat.  But all the choices here are amazing!

Now if you are really ambitious, install a new paver patio.  I do enjoy a smooth surface to lounge on.  You would need two inches of road base, two inches of plaster sand and some of our beautiful pavers.  Now that would be a Mother’s day gift or a Father’s day gift.

No matter what project you choose, we can help.  From ideas to calculations, stop in and see my owners.  Make a toast with those we remember, we are always here to help.  Happy Digging!

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