Since 1992
September, what a month!
Thirty days hath September, so my master tells me. And so many holidays to celebrate. We start with Labor Day (founded in 1882) on the 7th, celebrating the achievements of working…
Continue Reading »Make a dog friendly yard :)
My owners actually love me so much they are making a dog friendly yard for me and my partner in crime, “Lucy Bell”. Here are a few items they are implementing at my place:…
Continue Reading »Back to school, back to digging (by that I mean projects)
With the end of August, all my little humans leave and go back to school. How I miss my play time with them (sigh). Now my owner says, it’s back to project time…
Continue Reading »I love a backyard where I can use all my senses
When designing or redesigning your yard, always think about stimulating all 5 senses. For me, I like the taste and smell of the earth, the sound of the birds, and the sight…
Continue Reading »Ides of July, moons of July.
Buck moon, blue moon….that’s right. This July we start with a full “Buck” moon (July 1st) and end with a full “Blue Moon” (July 31st). Now what does that mean to us…
Continue Reading »Harvest time, party time, digging time…
Boy I can tell by the taste of the earth it is getting to be harvest time. The blooms of plants turning into a bounty of goodies, a different scent in the…
Continue Reading »BoulderScaping
Now everyone knows that dogs love rocks, whether we are eating them or climbing on them, rocks and boulders are a necessity. My owners say by adding boulders to your design it adds…
Continue Reading »Summer, summer time is here, my time of year.
Did you know that June 24th is Midsummer day? The half way point between planting and harvest. Wow, how time flies here in my back yard. So many things to do on…
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