Since 1992

What day is it?

Posted: November 9, 2015  |  Categories:  Uncategorized |

Boy did summer halt quickly and November come rolling in. With our 80 and 90 degree days gone, and our daily sun amount diminishing, this month is going to be a fun one!  It just means my owner will let me stay inside that much longer.

#NationalCappuccinoDay is November 8th, originally named after Capuchin Friars in Italy. A cappuccino reflects the color of the friar’s hood on the garments they wore.

#NationalPickleDay is November 14th, the word originates from the Dutch word, pekel.  Pekel means to brine and a pickle is full of vitamin K.  Cleopatra ate pickles everyday and believed it maintained her beauty.

#NationalBundtCakeDay is November 15th, and named after the ring shaped pan.  You can thank the 1966 Pillsbury Bake-off runner up for the success of this treat.  The bundt cake will celebrate it’s 60th birthday this year.

#VeteransDay is November 11th, and this is the most important one of all.  A day dedicated to all of those that went before us and gave their lives while serving our country.  On the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month in 1918 marked the end of World War I, and is now dedicated to the cause of world peace.  Now that is something a Dog can get behind.

So be sure to thank our Veterans and their families.  And what ever day you chose to celebrate, make it a great day.  Happy Digging!

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