Since 1992

September, what a month!

Posted: September 1, 2015  |  Categories:  Uncategorized |

Thirty days hath September, so my master tells me.   And so many holidays to celebrate.  We start with Labor Day (founded in 1882) on the 7th, celebrating the achievements of working dogs and humans a like.
California Admissions day falls on the 9th, our states’s 165th birthday!  So make some cake and have a party.
Patriot’s day comes on 9/11, many men, woman and dogs lost their lives.  But our resilience is still strong, and we carry on!
My favorite day is the 13th, Grandparents day.  A wonderful day to bless the ones that come before us.
What ever day you celebrate with your family and friends, make it an amazing day!

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