Since 1992

Autumn Equinox

Posted: September 22, 2015  |  Categories:  Uncategorized |

Well tomorrow the hours of the day equal the hours of the night. Not to worry, I like to dig in the day and in the night!  But it is a perfect time to plant and replant in your yard.  Put down fresh bark, add soil for fall plants, stock up on firewood and prepare for all the upcoming festivities. And such an amazing week we all have in front of us.  With the Autumn Equinox on September 23rd, to the Harvest moon full on the 27th of September.   It’s also apple season. Here is a few fun facts for you apple lovers out there:
1 Lb of apples is equal to 2 large, 3 medium or 4 small apples
1 Lb of apples equals 3 cups
The first apple tree was planted by a pilgrim
An apple tree can live for more than 100 years
Apples are grown in all 50 states
An Apple is not just a phone
So make a pie, a crisp, a puff or some cider and celebrate autumn under the harvest moon.
Happy Digging!

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