Since 1992

I plant & I sow, I bark & I go…

Posted: May 5, 2015  |  Categories:  Uncategorized |

My owner no longer waters my lawn and is letting it die. WHAT IS HAPPENING? They say that Xeriscape Landscaping is now our method. But why??? Xeriscape saves water. For most dog owners, over 50% of water used, is used on outdoor landscaping. Xeriscape is less maintenance. My owners only have to occasional prune and weed. That gives my owner more time to walk me. Xeriscape decreases the use of pesticides. With Valley Rock organic soil and fertilizer products, healthier growth will be apparent. And here are the best reasons…. it increases property value and decreases pollutants. So come on down to Valley Rock, meet my owners and decrease your consumption!

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